Day 3 started out much like day 2 with us heading out to the school (Wat Sedai) where we picked up where we left off from the day before.

Once again, it was all hands on deck and with some of the donated items that we were giving away.

Working hard in class and outside sawing the wooden poles to the desired length; which after a day of digging holes is not as easy as it sounds.

We had help from the locals amidst some presentation of gifts if not looking out for some distant lands.

While Mr Ng was sorting out the wires for the fence, Mr Kamal was quite happy washing the brushes by the water and Madam Azizah was very happy meeting the residents of the village while some of the girls were working on our 'label'.

The day almost coming to an end with painting our school name on a plank and the rest of us playing games with the students after their lessons.

Some limbo-ed (not with the barbed wire!) while some of us played a game of 'chapteh' with the locals.

Moving our boxes of donation items to be stored away for safe-keeping and yes, more presentation of gifts!

Group shots of Wat Sedai followed by YSS and in front of the fence we built.

Winding down the day with our dinner at our usual 'hangout' followed by our daily reflections then it was off to an ice-cream place for a treat.
So that would wrap up what we did for day three. There was a heightened sense of urgency to get things done on day three as it was our last day at the school and everyone pitched in as a team. The class lessons team faced their share of challenges as they were meeting different levels as from the day before and had to once again adapt to the changing situation very quickly. The fencing team finished up digging up the few remaining holes and subsequently placed the wooden poles in. This was followed by placing wires across in between the poles while some painted our school name on a piece of plank to be placed on the fence.
Once everything was almost done, in the midst of giving away some gifts and prizes, we engaged the students and locals in some games. It was much fun and laughter all around as we let our hair down at what was going to be the end of the CIP. It was this special moment where we cemented our bond with the students and where we came together in the spirit of humanity.
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