Our day started out bright and early in the morning with a good breakfast at the hotel of which we then proceeded for our CIP at a primary level school. It took us around a good hour to get there where we had a stop along the way to buy some hats which really made us look like we are good to head out to a farm.
Upon arrival at the school, we immediately got down to work with a group of us heading into the classes to conduct lessons for the students while the rest got down and dirty to start building a fence for the school; the purpose of the fence being that the school was along a main road and that the speeding vehicles passing by were posing a danger to the very active students.
We held English lessons, Health Education and Arts & Crafts classes for the students of the school. We also held some mini-games for the students which literally brought the house down''. No worrie though; the school is still intact. The response from both sets of students were very encouraging and despite the language barrier, we still managed to get our lessons across and the mood of the recipients were very appreciative. There were plenty of singing, laughing, smiles all around and plenty of jovial banter between us and the students which only served to create a receptive and condusive environment for learning.
As for the team involved in the fence building, it was back breaking work indeed where we had to dig out a number of hole in the ground each having to be at least 50cm deep. Working under the hot sun with limited tools was really pushing a lot of us to our physical limits but we endured and persevered and at the end of the day, we managed to dig out all the holes required and have the wooden poles inserted and properly aligned and secured.
We had a prize giving ceremony consisting of small tokens for the students of the primary school for various achievements in the lessons conducted and were greatly humbled by their gestures of appreciation. Little things that we take for granted do really matter a lot to them and this only spurred us to give more. This would generally sum up our reflections for the day apart from the fact that most us came back with a greater sense of appreciation with the things that we have back home in Singapore.
Hence, we made our way back to our hotel where we subsequently has our dinner at the excellent same place as yesterday; if not for anything else then the really good 'sambal belacan'. We had a little trip around town thereafter of which then we got back to the hotel where we had a fruitful session where we gathered our thoughts and insights for the day. Looking forward to tomorrow? A definite "Yes!"would be our resounding answer!

The day starting with breakfast and some sights from the bus on the way where we had a stop to buy some hats.

First sight of the school from the bus of which we then immediately started to get to know the student and on to serious work.

Lessons being conducted in front of a very eager and receptive grup of very young sudents fokkowed by us hard at work toiling the soil.

A some of us worked hard outside building the fence, the group involved in conducting the lesons were working equally just a hard to reach out to the students.

There was definitely not a shortage of smiles for the camera and testament of the adage of 'many hands make light work'.

Fun-filled classes buzzing with engaging activity with proud students displaying their talents.

Plenty of memorable people such as the staff of the school and a boy who took a liking to Madam Azizah.

Working hard into the afternoon and humbling gestures of appreciation.

Proud diplays of works, our tools and our reflection session.